
The regime Thonon: lose 10 pounds in just two weeks!

The Thonon regime is fashionable - especially because it promises to help you lose 10 pounds in just two weeks! But like all strict diet plans, it can lead to fatigue, muscle weakness and binge eating. Read on for the pros and cons of the latest crash diet.
The key principles

The diet of 14 days Thonon is a crash diet. This is a low-calorie plan that reduces fat and sugar and increases protein like lean meat and fish.
You get a menu plan 7 days, which must be followed to the letter for two weeks, with a period of stabilization after. If the diet does not reach their goal weight at the end of two weeks, you can repeat the plan. However, it should not be continued after the second period of two weeks.

It is important to make sure you do not put the weight back on after two weeks, if you have reached your goal weight or not. To do this, you need to stick to a specific caloric intake during stabilization:

     1200 kcal for women, but you can eat up to 1500 kcal if you are hungry.
     1500 kcal for men, but you can reduce to 1200 kcal if the menus seem too heavy.

1200 kcal Plan:


     Coffee / tea (no sugar)
     1 low-fat dairy
     1 slice of wholemeal bread with 10g of margarine
     1 fruit

snack mid-morning / afternoon (optional)

     Coffee / tea (no sugar)
     1 low-fat dairy


     Vegetable crudités with 1 teaspoon olive oil
     Fish or lean meat (100g-150g)
     Cooked vegetables (no fat)
     1 milk light
     1 fruit

     Vegetable soup (fat free)
     1 small potato
     Fish or lean meat (100g-150g)
     Cooked vegetables with 10g of margarine
     1 slice of bread
     1 small piece of fruit

1500 kcal Plan:

Follow the same menus as the plan kcal 1200, but include a portion of carbs and 10g of margarine in your breakfast.
During the 14 day diet and the stabilization period, you are advised to take multivitamins and omega-3 to reduce the risk of deficiency.
Does the diet work Thonon?
According to the creators of the diet, you can expect to lose up to 10 kg in 14 days. In practice, people lose about 5 or 6 kg on average. During the stabilization period, you should continue to lose weight at a rate of 1 kg per week.
Reading the experiences of dieters online in various forums, it is clear that the amount lost varies considerably from person to person. While some have managed weight loss promised, others barely managed to lose 1 kg per week. Others said they gained weight again during the period of stabilization.
As with any type of diet, men generally lose more weight than women. In addition to this, the Thonon regime is less effective for those who have followed a strict diet low in calories before.
You must remember that with crash diets that you simply do not lose body fat but also muscle mass. The lack of salt in the diet Thonon also means that you will lose water much faster.
Advantages and disadvantages
So what are the benefits of Thonon regime?

     The system has some advantages Thonon outside help you lose weight quickly. It appeals to people who want to lose weight for a special occasion (wedding, holiday etc.) The fact that it is so strict and leads to fatigue means that it is worthwhile to limit the scheme to only one week.

     It can be used to start a diet weight loss over the long term for those who have trouble losing weight. Again, a week is enough.

     The creators of Thonon diet advise to consult a doctor and get a full medical check-up before starting the diet.

And the disadvantages?

     The creators of the system admit that Thonon diet is not very varied diet and can get bored quickly. They also warn about the consequences of strict diet for the health of your body, citing digestive problems and cognitive difficulties. The diet is not recommended for children, pregnant women, elderly people or people with sensitive stomachs.

     The menus for the first 14 days is only between 600 and 800 calories a day, which is three or four times lower than the recommended adult daily dose. Sugar is off limits and the regime does not understand very well bread or fruit, either. This means that dieters only get 100g of their recommended daily intake of carbohydrates that are essential for brain activity. The Thonon regime can lead to extreme fatigue, migraines and even disease accordingly. Your body will use all its reserves of glycogen (carbohydrates stored in the body for use by the liver and muscles), and if the plan is not adapted to levels more normal activity, not to mention sport, as you can see from the diet "testimony in the forums.

     The reduced calorie intake dramatically, proteins, which are normally used as protective nutrients, rather serve to fuel the body. The Thonon regime can lead to muscle weakness and decreased basal metabolic rate, which reduces energy requirements.

     The regime is not changed and excludes a number of different foods. This means that you are likely to be deficient in calcium, magnesium, vitamin B1, D, and E, essential fatty acids, omega 3 and omega 6's recommended supplements will only cover part of the needs of your body.

     As with all crash diets, the Thonon diet can trigger or exacerbate eating disorders like bulimia and bulimia. According to the forums, the option "choice" can lead to binge eating.

The stabilization period in which dieters consume 1,200 kcal or 1500 kcal per day is still a low calorie diet and has the same drawbacks as the plan 14 days.

Overall, the Thonon plan is a punishment that can lead to a yo-yo diet. It changes the metabolism and can even mean that you put more weight in the long term.

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